Fairy Loot Unboxing | May 2020

Fairy Loot Unboxing | May 2020

Welcome back to ANOTHER Fairy Loot unboxing! So, for this month the theme was ‘Desert Dreams’ and when the theme was announced last month, I knew exactly what the book was. Due to everything that’s going on in the world right now, the Fairy Loot subscription boxes were delayed in shipping which is completely understandable – hence why the unboxing post is actually being posted in June!

Let’s get on with the unboxing…



Another Fairy Loot box means another month of gorgeous artwork which is designed by Taratjah! The artwork for this month is absolutely amazing and sums up the book and theme perfectly. On the back of this card is all of the information about each item, but I never look at this as it contains spoilers as to what is in the box, and I WANT TO BE SURPRISED!

Taratjah on Instagram

Taratjah on Society 6


This bookish tin is so adorable! I’m definitely going to be keeping some bookish trinkets in there and display it proudly on my bookshelf! This tin was designed by Chatty Nora and was inspired by We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal.

Chatty Nora website

Chatty Nora on Twitter

Chatty Nora on Instagram

Chatty Nora on Facebook

Chatty Nora on Etsy



I’m not gonna lie, I actually needed another wooden spoon. All the ones that I have are getting so old… So, that was brilliant timing! This was designed by KDP Letters and was inspired by Hero of the Fall by Alwyn Hamilton. It says ‘There’s no such thing as just a story.’

KDP Letters website

KDP Letters on Facebook

KDP Letters on Instagram

KDP Letters on Twitter



I am loving the small cooking theme that’s going on here! This tea towel is AMAZING! Evie Bookish is one of my favourite designers and here she is, designing an item inspired by The City of Brass by S.A. Chakraborty.

Evie Seo on Society6

Evie Seo on Redbubble

Evie Seo Blog

Evie Seo on Instagram

Evie Seo on Twitter


I love relaxing in the bath with a good book, or a movie, and now that Little Heart Gifts have bought us these amazing smelling bath salts, I can do just that!

Little Heart website

Little Heart on Facebook

Little Heart on Instagram

Little Heart on Twitter


One can never have enough candles, especially when they smell amazing like this one! Wick and Fable have designed a gorgeous smelling candle inspired An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir.

Wick and Fable website

Wick and Fable on Instagram

Wick and Fable on Facebook

Wick and Fable on Twitter

Wick and Fable on Pinterest



The weather WAS nice here in the U.K., but at the time of writing this post, it’s currently pissing it down… Which is fun. So maybe when the lockdown is lifted, and I’m getting off to a hot country (fingers crossed), I can use this beautiful sunglasses pouch that was designed by @KitsterCronk and was inspired by The Forbidden Wish by Jessica Khoury.

Kitstercronk on Instagram

Kitstercronk website

Kitstercronk on Redbubble

Kitstercronk on Facebook

Kitstercronk on Pinterest



As usual, Fairy Loot included two collectable tarot cards in their box and these were designed by @Gabriella.bujdoso and was inspired by the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas.


ANNNNNNNNDDDDD… here are people! The book of the month is Girl, Serpent, Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust. I’ve been wanting this book for so long, and now I finally have it! The Fairy Loot edition has an exclusive cover (the original is grey), sprayed edges, artwork on the reverse of the dust jacket which was designed by @orikye, and is also signed by the author.

As usual, there was also a letter from the author included that featured amazing artwork by @merwildandco.

There was and there was not, as all stories begin, a princess cursed to be poisonous to the touch. But for Soraya, who has lived her life hidden away, apart from her family, safe only in her gardens, it’s not just a story.

As the day of her twin brother’s wedding approaches, Soraya must decide if she’s willing to step outside of the shadows for the first time. Below in the dungeon is a demon who holds knowledge that she craves, the answer to her freedom. And above is a young man who isn’t afraid of her, whose eyes linger not with fear, but with an understanding of who she is beneath the poison.

Soraya thought she knew her place in the world, but when her choices lead to consequences she never imagined, she begins to question who she is and who she is becoming…human or demon. Princess or monster.


As always, Fairy Loot included the Fairyscoop newsletter which includes an interview with the author and also the information for next months box (which sounds A-MAZ-ING!), and then they also include a bookmark that has the artwork of the month printed on the front and then ‘Fairy Loot / May 2020 / ‘Desert Dreams’ printed on the back!



Screenshot 2020-04-06 at 15.48.06



NEXT MONTH’S THEME IS ‘A Different Kind of Magic’. The chosen book includes shaman magic and sisterhood and will have an exclusive cover, sprayed edges, artwork on the reverse dust jacket and will be signed by the author. BUT! THERE ARE ACTUALLY GOING TO BE TWO BOOKS! The second book is an exclusive paperback edition of a Spring 2021 release and will have an exclusive foil cover and sprayed edges. 

Don’t forget to check out the Fairy Loot website to see pictures and details of their past book boxes and to also see their price plans for subscriptions. You can find all of my unboxings on my unboxings page

Believe me guys, you do not want to miss out!


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