September Wrap Up | 2018

September Wrap Up | 2018

Hey, guys and welcome to my September wrap up! I tried to read as many books this month as I did last month, and I completely failed. I think I read about 9 or 10 books last month? And then this month, I read 5. I don’t know what’s been the matter with me, I’ve just been taking a very long time to finish one book.

Anyway, let’s get on with the wrap-up!

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European Travel for the Monstrous Gentlewoman by Theodora Goss (review)

Heart of Mist by Helen Scheuerer

Wicked Like a Wildfire by Lana Popović (review)

Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco

Beneath the Citadel by Destiny Soria




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Hero at the Fall by Alwyn Hamilton: I’m actually listening to the audiobook for Hero at the Fall. I’ve read Rebel of the Sands and Traitor to the Throne twice now. The first time that I read them was with the physical copies, and then when Hero at the Fall came out, I couldn’t remember what had happened, so I decided to listen to the audiobooks for my re-read. I loved the audiobooks so much that I decided to actually listen to the audiobook for the final book (even though I also have the physical copy). So far, this book is so good. It’s a slow burner because I have a feeling that Hamilton is building up towards a massive battle where all my faves are going to die AND I CAN’T LET THAT HAPPEN. I need to protect them… I’m 4 hours in and have about 8 hours left, so I’m hoping that I can finish it in the next few days.

Reign of Mist by Helen Scheuerer: I love this series so much and I think that everyone needs to read it. Reign of Mist is the sequel to Heart of Mist and we follow the same characters as we do in the first book. I listened to Heart of Mist on audiobook, but Reign of Mist isn’t available yet, so that made me sad… But I had to read the book THE DAY that it came out, so I bought it off Amazon Kindle and started reading it straight away. I’ve nearly finished it… I have 1 hour left and I don’t want it to end…

A Canticle for Leibowitz by Walter M. Miller. Jr.: UGGGGGHHHH… I hate it when the chosen texts for university texts drag loads. I’m on page 30-odd, and it’s just a very long reading process because there are loads of religious words that I have no idea of what they mean because I’m not religious, so I have to look them up, and then write down their definitions… Then I have to write out chapter summaries at the end of each chapter so that I can remember what happens when it comes to writing my essay. I mean, I could listen to the audiobook, because I know that I would read it faster, but I need to be clear on what all the words mean. It’s a slow read, but it has to be done.



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Forensic Files (Netflix): This is basically a true crime series on Netflix that goes over very old case files and the producer’s interview different experts on what the criminal did and stuff like that… It was so interesting. I LOVE watching criminal programmes, I find them so intriguing. I haven’t watched the whole show, because there are so many episodes, but I’ll get there one day.

Killing Eve: This is such a highly anticipated British crime TV show! The trailers looked absolutely amazing and when it was available to stream on BBC iPlayer, I started watching it. The first 5/6 episodes were amazing; I loved the humour, the darkness, the relationship between the characters… But after the 6th episode, the show started to go a bit downhill. It lost its spark, and in the end, I just stopped watching it, so I haven’t actually finished the show, but I do want to. It’s just finding the motivation to do so.

Bleach Live-Action (Netflix): Is it strange that I quite enjoyed this? I’m not one for live-action remakes of my favourite animes, but this was surprisingly enjoyable. I have written a review for this film as well so you can check that out if you want!



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My plan for this month was to read as many university books as I could so that I was prepared for my third and final year… But that didn’t end up happening. I haven’t even finished my first one. On the topic of university, I started my final year and I’m stressed already. I nearly had a panic attack in my very first lesson because it was so overwhelming and I genuinely thought that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but I pushed on through.

I’ve also been giving some thought to what I’m going to do after university. My dream job has always had something to do with writing, whether it writing for magazines, writing my own novel, or working in publishing… I’m currently working on the finishing touches of my novel so that’s one thing that I can nearly cross off, writing for magazines is something that I’ve put on the backburner for a bit, and as for working in publishing, I’ve been applying to all the publishing companies for work experience, but nothing. Which has been depressing me so much as I need work experience to even START getting somewhere in publishing…

I’ve also decided that I’m going to be doing my Masters degree in publishing and the best option for me at the moment is Cambridge which is also inducing high levels of stress because I’m scared to move away from home to someplace that 3 hours away.

Overall, it’s been an okay month. I’ve just been concentrating on university and work, and I’ve been trying to do a lot more different content on here so I hope you enjoy it!



So there you go, there is my September wrap up. I’m a bit disappointed that I didn’t read as much this month, but there are always going to be months where I don’t read as much because life gets in the way.

Until next time…

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