June Releases I’m Excited For | 2020

June Releases I’m Excited For | 2020

Hello, there! Welcome to another post where I share all of the monthly releases that I’m excited for. I would normally split these posts into two sections: those that I have pre-ordered and the ones that I haven’t.


This year, I will not be pre-ordering any books, unless they are special editions. It’s an attempt to curb my spending!

Disclaimer: all of the release dates shown here are taken from Amazon.co.uk and the synopsis are taken from Goodreads



Title: The Empire of Gold

Author: S.A. Chakraborty

Publication Date: 11th June 2020

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Pages: 782

Genre: Fantasy

Series: The Daevabad Trilogy #3

After a brutal conquest stripped the city of its magic, Nahid leader Banu Manizheh and her resurrected commander, Dara, must try to repair their fraying alliance and stabilize a fractious, warring people.

But the bloodletting and loss of his beloved Nahri have unleashed the worst demons of Dara’s dark past. To vanquish them, he must face some ugly truths about his history and put himself at the mercy of those he once considered enemies.

Having narrowly escaped their murderous families and Daevabad’s deadly politics, Nahri and Ali, now safe in Cairo, face difficult choices of their own. While Nahri finds peace in the old rhythms and familiar comforts of her human home, she is haunted by the knowledge that the loved ones she left behind and the people who considered her a savior are at the mercy of a new tyrant. Ali, too, cannot help but look back, and is determined to return to rescue his city and the family that remains. Seeking support in his mother’s homeland, he discovers that his connection to the marid goes far deeper than expected and threatens not only his relationship with Nahri, but his very faith.

As peace grows more elusive and old players return, Nahri, Ali, and Dara come to understand that in order to remake the world, they may need to fight those they once loved . . . and take a stand for those they once hurt.





Title: The Court of Miracles 

Author: Kester Grant

Publication Date: 18th June 2020

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Pages: 464

Genre: YA Historical/Fantasy

Series: The Court of Miracles #1

In the violent urban jungle of an alternate 1828 Paris, the French Revolution has failed and the city is divided between merciless royalty and nine underworld criminal guilds, known as the Court of Miracles. Eponine (Nina) Thénardier is a talented cat burglar and member of the Thieves Guild. Nina’s life is midnight robberies, avoiding her father’s fists, and watching over her naïve adopted sister, Cosette (Ettie).

When Ettie attracts the eye of the Tiger–the ruthless lord of the Guild of Flesh–Nina is caught in a desperate race to keep the younger girl safe. Her vow takes her from the city’s dark underbelly to the glittering court of Louis XVII. And it also forces Nina to make a terrible choice–protect Ettie and set off a brutal war between the guilds, or forever lose her sister to the Tiger.





Title: My Eyes Are Up Here

Author: Laura Zimmerman

Publication Date: 23rd June 2020

Publisher: Dutton Books for Young Reads

Pages: 352

Genre: YA Contemporary

Series: N/A

A “monomial” is a simple algebraic expression consisting of a single term. 30H, for example. Fifteen-year-old Greer Walsh hasn’t been fazed by basic algebra since fifth grade, but for the last year, 30H has felt like an unsolvable equation – one that’s made her world a very small, very lonely place. 30H is her bra size – or it was the last time anyone checked. She stopped letting people get that close to her with a tape measure a while ago.

Ever since everything changed the summer before ninth grade, Greer has felt out of control. She can’t control her first impressions, the whispers that follow, or the stares that linger after. The best she can do is put on her faithful XXL sweatshirt and let her posture – and her expectations for other people – slump.

But people – strangers and friends – seem strangely determined to remind her that life is not supposed to be this way. Despite carefully avoiding physical contact and anything tighter than a puffy coat, Greer finds an unexpected community on the volleyball squad, the team that hugs between every point and wears a uniform “so tight it can squeeze out tears.” And then there’s Jackson Oates, newly arrived at her school and maybe actually more interested in her banter than her breasts.




So, there we have it! Those are all of the June releases that I’m excited for! Which ones are you looking forward to? Did any of these catch your eye?

Let me know in the comments below.

Until next time…



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