Illumicrate Unboxing | Chain of Gold Special Edition

Illumicrate Unboxing | Chain of Gold Special Edition

Welcome back to another Illumicrate unboxing!

So, this unboxing is slightly different to previous unboxings. This one is the Chain of Gold special edition box, and I AM SO EXCITED.

Let’s get on with the unboxing!



As usual with subscription boxes, there is a card with all of the information about the items included. However, I never look at these until I have finished opening the box, as I don’t want to be spoiled.




I am gobsmacked. I HAVE NEVER seen anything like this included in a book subscription box before and I am in love. This tea set is absolutely adorable and has such gorgeous colouration and I can’t wait to use it!

Chatty Nora website

Chatty Nora on Twitter

Chatty Nora on Instagram

Chatty Nora on Facebook

Chatty Nora on Etsy



I love receiving blankets in sub boxes. I think that the material is so soft and fluffy and they’re a perfect size! With this blanket, the colours used are so beautiful, I love the deep red! I can’t wait to wrap myself up in it.

Yoshi Yoshitani on Instagram

Yoshi Yoshitani website

Yoshi Yoshitani store

Yoshi Yoshitani on Twitter

Yoshi Yoshitani on Tumblr




I have so many decks of playing cards from subscription boxes, so it is slightly annoying HOWEVER, I love seeing all of the artwork that is included on each deck and seeing the different characters!

MerWild on Deviant Art

MerWild on Instagram

MerWild on Twitter




I haven’t read any of the Dark Artifices series, and I haven’t read Chain of Gold, but even I can appreciate how gorgeous this artwork is with it’s gold foiling. It makes me so excited to jump back into the world of Shadowhunter.

However, Illumicrate released a statement on their social medias saying that the representation of some of the characters were not done properly in the artwork and that they take full responsibility, and that once they have the means to reprint them, they will do so.

Read the full statement here:


Arz on Instagram

Arz on Redbubble





The next item that I saw was this foldable stained glass window piece that is so beautiful and it shows the Infernal Devices trilogy: our much loved characters, Will, Jem and Tess!

Rosie Thorns website

Rosie Thorns on Instagram

Rosie Thorns on Twitter




The last item included in this special edition box was this letter opener from Fable and Black. I genuinely gasped out loud when I saw it. It’s so beautiful. It’s just… perfect. On the sword, it says “of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.”

Fable and Black website

Fable and Black on Instagram

Fable and Black on Pinterest

Fable and Black on Etsy





ANNNNNDDDDDD, here we are! Here is the special edition of Chain of Gold from Illumicrate!

This edition has an exclusive foiled hardcover, sprayed edges, and is also stamped with Cassandra Clare’s signature.

Welcome to Edwardian London, a time of electric lights and long shadows, the celebration of artistic beauty and the wild pursuit of pleasure, with demons waiting in the dark. For years there has been peace in the Shadowhunter world. James and Lucie Herondale, children of the famous Will and Tessa, have grown up in an idyll with their loving friends and family, listening to stories of good defeating evil and love conquering all. But everything changes when the Blackthorn and Carstairs families come to London…and so does a remorseless and inescapable plague.

James Herondale longs for a great love, and thinks he has found it in the beautiful, mysterious Grace Blackthorn. Cordelia Carstairs is desperate to become a hero, save her family from ruin, and keep her secret love for James hidden. When disaster strikes the Shadowhunters, James, Cordelia and their friends are plunged into a wild adventure which will reveal dark and incredible powers, and the true cruel price of being a hero…and falling in love.






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Check out the Illumicrate website for details on upcoming boxes and subscribe to their newsletter!

Believe me guys, you do not want to miss out!


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