May Wrap Up | 2020

May Wrap Up | 2020

Hey, guys and welcome to my May wrap up! I’ve read quite a lot this month due to audiobooks! They are just incredible things that really help me with my reading. There are times where I just don’t feel like picking up a physical book due to a lack of motivation. But audiobooks really help me slowly get back into it and I’ve listened to some pretty amazing books this month!

Anyway, let’s get on with the wrap-up!


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The King of Crows by Libba Bray (audiobook): Throughout April, I listened to the previous three books of The Diviners series and to be completely honest… I think King of Crows may be my least favourite, which is a shame because it’s the finale. 3.5/5

The Screaming Staircase by Jonathan Stroud (audiobook): So one of my best friends told me to read this series because it was ‘similar’ to The Diviners but it was middle grade/young adult. I decided to download the first audiobook and give it a go and oh my life, I fell in love immediately so I downloaded the next four books. 5/5

The Whispering Skull by Jonathan Stroud (audiobook): The second book wasn’t as good as the first but the laughs were definitely there and I got slightly creeped out by the skull. What a weirdo. 4/5

The Hollow Boy by Jonathan Stroud (audiobook): The third instalment in this series got slightly emotional for me. We delved so much deeper into the psyches of the characters which I really enjoyed. 4.5/5

The Creeping Shadow by Jonathan Stroud (audiobook): I was actually upset that this was the penultimate book in the series. 4.75/5

The Empty Grave by Jonathan Stroud (audiobook): This might possibly be my favourite in the whole series? Which is strange, because all of the finales that I normally read don’t live up to the first book… But this was fantastic. 5/5

Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson (audiobook/physical): I actually had the physical copy of this book as well, so when I had the motivation, I would follow along with the audiobook. Pretty generic YA Fantasy but still very enjoyable. 4/5

Crier’s War by Nina Varela (audiobook): I’d heard a lot of very good things about this book, and the hype didn’t disappoint. I enjoyed this a lot and can’t wait til the second book comes out. 4.5/5

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon (audiobook/physical): This was a re-read for me as I wanted to carry on with the series, but I couldn’t remember what had happened in the first one. I read the physical copy of this book the first time around, but I decided to listen to the audiobook the second time. I still love Paige so much. 4/5


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Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo (physical): this is actually the first time I’m reading this and I feel so ashamed (I know I shouldn’t), but this book came our years ago and I just thought… well… It was about bloody time I read it. I’m only on page 50-something and it isn’t really all-that right now.

The Mime Order by Samantha Shannon (audiobook/physical): I am finally getting around to the second book in the series and I am so excited to read this. I’m about 2 hours of the way through and so far, nothing major has happened but I can tell that tensions are building.


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Dead to Me Season 2 (Netflix): It has been AGES since season 1 finished, but I really enjoyed it and as soon as the second season came out, I jumped right into it… and then lost momentum and stopped watching it at episode 5. I’m going to finish it though! I just don’t know when!

Altered Carbon Season 1 (Netflix): I’d heard a lot of mixed things about this show, but I do love a good sci-fi so I started watching it and instantly fell in love. I love the concept, the characters, the actors… I cried and laughed so many times, and I’m definitely going to be starting season 2 as soon as possible. 4.5/5


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May has been much like April… Awful. With COVID-19 taking more and more lives, pressure rising in the home between my family and I, I found comfort in the new Animal Crossing: New Horizons! Many many hours have been put into this game and I am obsessed.

My sister and I also got a rabbit and we called her Bean. Don’t ask why. It was the only name that we didn’t hate. She’s so soft and cuddly and I LOVE HER SO MUCH! She’s adorable and the way that she cuddles up to you makes you feel so warm inside.

Another positive for this month was that I handed in the first half of my Masters. I can’t believe that that bit is finally out of the way. I just need to work on my final major project which needs to be handed in for September, so I have a few months yet, which means I can take a little break!


What have you guys been up to this month? Let me know in the comments.

Until next time…


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