I can’t believe that the last time I wrote a blog post was in July/August. I’m officially the worst book blogger on the planet. It doesn’t help though, that I’ve been in the biggest reading slump OF ALL TIME. To put it into perspective, my Goodreads reading challenge was 80 and who was I kidding? I’ve read 29 books.

Every time I logged into Goodreads to just browse what my fellow book lovers were reading, I would see that I was so many books behind schedule, and it would just get me down so much. Where had my love for reading gone?

I told my therapist all about this in one of my sessions, and also about how my relationship had changed with my dad and she put forward the idea that maybe it’s BECAUSE my relationship with dad had changed that I lacked the motivation for reading. You see, it was my Dad that gave me my love for reading. It was him that would sit with me hours upon end reading Harry Potter or The Spiderwick Chronicles when I was younger. Later on in my life, it was him who I would always text to ask what he was reading and to tell him all about the current book I was enjoying.

So you know what I did? I went onto Goodreads and changed my reading challenge goal to 30. Now, I’m 2 books ahead of schedule and I’m about an hour away from finishing my current audiobook. Once that book is completed, I will have also achieved my Goodreads goal and feel SOME sense of achievement.

I’m hoping that the new year will re-ignite my passion for reading, and in turn, also reignite my passion for blogging about books.

I guess we will all have to wait and see!


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