WWW Wednesday | 30/01/19

WWW Wednesday | 30/01/19

WWW Wednesday is hosted by Sam on Taking on a World of Words. Anyone can participate by answering the three questions below and then posting a link to your post from your blog on Sam’s website, or just answer the questions on her post if you do not have a blog.

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The three questions (Ws) are:

1.) What are you currently reading?
2.) What did you recently finish reading?
3.) What do you think you’ll read next?

So without any further ado, let’s get on with it, shall we?

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36613718Title: Enchantée

Author: Gita Trelease

Progress: 5%


There is so much hype for this book and I just… I don’t know. Yes, I do know that I’m only on 5%, but I normally like being drawn to the storyline at least, and I’m just not with this book.

I am going to continue reading it because I really want to get into it and see what all the fuss is about, but I’ve got a feeling that Enchantée isn’t going to be my cup of tea.


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Title: Blood Heir38205707

Author: Amélie Wen Zhao


I was addicted to this book after the very first chapter, and it only got better and better from that point onwards. I am so grateful that I managed to get an ARC of this, because I don’t think that I could have waited until June to read this.

This is such a brilliant fantasy novel and I can’t wait for you to read it so I can see what you all thought about it. I think that it’s still on NetGalley to request as well?



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One of these three! There are so many amazing books on my TBR pile and I know that I won’t be able to choose one right now… You never know, it could be something entirely different to these three. I’m more of a mood reader rather than having a set TBR so I normally just stare at my shelves until something jumps out at me.

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It’s nice to keep you guys updated on what I’m reading, and even though I do an end-of-the-month wrap-up, you never get to see what I’m reading during the week.

Until next time…

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