July Wrap Up | 2018

July Wrap Up | 2018

Hey, guys and welcome to my July wrap up! I read so many books this month in preparation for YALC, and I loved reading loads of books this month, and I really want to carry on reading loads in the coming months.

Anyway, let’s get on with the wrap-up!

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Bookshop Girl by Chloe Coles (review)

The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco (review)

Hunters by Paul Maybury (review)

Infinity 8, Vol. 1: Love and Mummies by Lewis Trondheim (review)

The Strange Case of the Alchemist’s Daughter by Theodora Goss

Everless by Sara Holland (review)

Goodbye, Perfect by Sara Barnard

The Loneliest Girl in the Universe by Lauren James

The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert (review)

The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

The Belles by Dhonielle Clayton

Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen




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Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli: I’m about halfway through this at the moment, and I’m writing this post in the hotel room in Malta, so since I’m on holiday, I know that I’ll probably end up finishing this today. It’s so fast-paced, and I kind of have this love/hate relationship with Leah. I like her, but then at the same time, she does some stuff that I really don’t agree with. BUT, it IS good to be back in the Simonverse and to be back with the characters that I love.

Girls of Paper and Fire by Natasha Ngan: I got this ARC when I went to YALC, and since it’s probably in the top 3 of my most anticipated releases of 2018, then I decided to read it pretty much straight away. I’m only on page 58 at the moment but I am absolutely loving it. The first couple of chapters were a bit slow, but we’re being introduced to the world and the politics surrounding it which I love. I’m also SO EXCITED to read about the f/f romance. BRING IT ON!




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Brooklyn 99 (FINISHED THE SHOW!): I mean, this show is just perfection and I’m so glad that it’s getting picked back up again for season 6 because I love the characters, I love the story… UGGGHHHHH, everything about this show is just perfection. If you haven’t watched this show yet, then you definitely need to get round to it soon, and I promise that YOU WON’T REGRET IT!




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In my June wrap-up, I told you how my mental health had been all over the place, and that I was in a massive life slump. July was the month where I started to get myself back on track. I started filming videos for my YouTube channel again, and I actually felt good doing it. I felt confident, and I like the content that I was putting out. In July, I also started catching up on all of the blog posts that I was behind on, such as all the reviews for the books that I’ve read, my wrap up posts, my hauls… I have written more posts this month that I have for the past 3 months combined.

On a completely different subject, I started using the Fairy Loot journal that came with the June box and OH MY LIFE, it’s so gorgeous. It’s just perfect. I already have my own personal bullet journal, but the Fairy Loot journal is dedicated to books, so there’s a page for books that you read that month, quotes you like… it’s so good.

I think the biggest thing that happened this month was YALC. It was my first time attending the convention and you can read all the posts that I wrote whilst I was there. I wrote diary-like posts, depicting what I did each day, then I wrote a YALC haul, and then an opinion piece.

YALC was such a magnificent experience and I can’t wait to go again next year!




So there you go, there is my July wrap up. I read so many books this month because I was preparing myself for YALC and wanted to read as many books as I could before I went. I kind of want to keep reading a similar amount of books each month, because I AM SO BEHIND on my Goodreads challenge, so I need to be reading non-stop.

Until next time…

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