Introducing… ‘Megan’s Corner’

Introducing… ‘Megan’s Corner’

If you’re a regular reader of my blog, then you’ll start to notice a few changes popping up. My sister, Megan has decided that she wants to contribute a little something to The Bibliophile Girl. 

Because she’s 15, I thought that this would be a good opportunity to portray the thoughts of a younger reader who reads contemporary (that’s the only genre of YA she’ll read). The average age of protagonists in YA contemporary is 16/17, and me being 22, I sometimes find it hard to connect with the characters, so having my 15-year-old sister read and review them will be an opportunity for younger readers of my blog to have another opinion on some of the contemporary books I’ve already reviewed.

When you see this on a YA Contemporary review (which will be at the END of my review):


That means that Megan’s review is just below. I don’t know yet how she will be sending me her reviews. She doesn’t feel that confident in her writing, and she’s a bit nervous, so I said that if she wants, she can just bullet point her thoughts.

Just to re-iterate, my sister will ONLY BE REVIEWING YA CONTEMPORARY, as those are the books that she reads. As soon as her review is added onto an already existing review, I will be posting the update on social media, so make sure you’re following me on whichever social media platform suits you so you can follow the updates.

So that’s it! I just thought that I would explain a little bit about the changes that are going to be happening.

I look forward to seeing both Megan’s reviews, and also your thoughts on this change!

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